5 Reasons to Take a Drive Down Empire Avenue

Agree with the first 4 but as for 5 I believe that EA has become increasingly faceless. Multitudes of messages and threats and suspensions from entities that we have no idea who is behind and zero answers to support requests and questions in the past month. I believe that whoever is running EA has zero idea how to integrate what has been built with any kind of business and that their appreciation of the internet, web design, social media and especially customer service is inept at best.
In the past 6 weeks I have had around $400 taken from me in payments I made for a Mercury premium account but I was granted no access to that account. Total loss in eaves around 350 million so far. No replies at all to several requests and questions about this. Was treated similarly from other accounts i manage as well. Appalling really but seems to have become the norm Paul.

Empire Avenue Tips

blogathonThis week Empire Avenue has been doing a blog-a-thon.  It’s a great idea to rally EAvers to blog about Empire Avenue and get some bring some additional visitors and publicity to their blogs, as well as to Empire Avenue.

Sounds like a win-win-win to me.

After more than 33 posts and 1200 posts, Empire Avenue Tips is one of the longest running blogs about Empire Avenue, so I couldn’t let this opportunity pass without contributing a post.

So, why am I still engaged in Empire Avenue after all all this time?

Here are 5 reasons…

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60 seconds at the Internet

Very interesting Detlev

DETart Blog

The Internet in 60s

60 seconds at the Internetsee what happens in just 60 seconds at the Internet. Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Flikr and many other great services generate so many interactions. The service Qmee created this information in 2013 and here you see the 2014 update.


Twitter had 278k Tweeds in 2013 and now we are at 433k tweets in a minute


There are 204 Million Emails in 2013 and luckily only 138.8 million Emails per minute in 2014

Great to see that the Email usage reduces

Infograpfhic – Internet in 60s

Here you see the 2014 edition of the infographic

60 seconds at the Internet

Infograpfhic – Internet in 60s (2013)

Here you see the 2013 edition of the infographic
Qmee Online in 60 Seconds InfographicOnline in 60 Seconds [Infographic] is an infographic that was produced by Qmee

60 seconds at the internetTell me…

Love to hear and read your ideas about this numbers.
Do you think all this is a positive development?

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How To Get An Effective Start by (e)SALLYKWITT

Nice one Sally

Empire.Kred Wiki

Well-known player Sally Witt – (e)SALLYKWITT – shares her tips and recommendations on how to get an effective start on Empire Avenue for newbies. 
Making new relationships and having great interaction on social media is the whole point. You will meet awesome people on Empire Avenue, and learn so much about having meaningful interaction on the social media sites while having incentives to do it. Have fun!


Day 1

1. Set up your profile with a photo as soon as possible. Active players will see your profile pop up as a new player, and most will ignore profiles without photos. This is a great opportunity to get a lot of investments on your first day or two!
2. Set up all of your social media accounts so that you get credit for your activities.
3. Choose a few profiles and start with investing just 5 or 10 shares…

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Top 100 Social Media Power Influencers Houston 2014, 1-50

Interesting list!

Eric T. Tung

Influencers.jpgThis is the second list of Social Media power influencers in Houston. The first issue from 2013 was well-received… except for the many folks who were left off.

For this year’s issue, we’re getting even a little more strict on qualifications.

Why? I wanted this to be a list of the people that are working in social, day in and day out. Engaging with customers and prospects, writing posts and creating tweets. That’s not to say that what bloggers or writers or SEOs do isn’t important, but it’s not the hardcore social media work that I was looking to focus on.

Besides, where would you stop? Almost anyone at a marketing agency could be included as almost everyone has some sort of social presence, from the CEO down to the interns. Thus, we’ve focused on folks that deal directly with social media.

The Qualifications

Firstly, I added everyone from the…

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My Predictions for Election 2014

It is going to be an interesting election


I predict the party vote share to Labour at 32%, Greens 15% and Internet/Mana 4%. Labour to form government with the Greens and InternetMana.

National will garner 45% and electorate seats x 1 to Maori, Act & United Future. NZFirst will gain 4% but with no electorate seat will be out of government.

What this will mean for NZ is a strong left government which will start to eliminate child poverty, protect our environment and start to fix our economy.

What this will mean for the NZ Herald editors and right wing opinion columnists is endless columns opining that the largest political party didn’t form government and how MMP is a rort and all sorts of rubbish.

More importantly the hashtags for the New Zealand 2014 General Election are #nzpol #nzvotes and the various party hashtags, #TeamKey etc etc.

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